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Archive Solution
Clive Works
Archive Solution
Records RFID management solution
First RFID solution related to Good Software (GS) certified archives
The record-related RFID solution is the only government-financed superior product
Registered as multiple supplier (comprehensive shopping mall) at Korea On-line E-Procurement System
Clive Works
Cloud platform for enterprises and crowd workers to build AI learning data
Clive Works as a Company View
Cloud platform for easy access to workers of learning data
Development of customized functions for learning data
Clive Works used by the workers
Provides UI form for easy access and easy working experience
Provides a function to facilitate communication on difficult parts of work
Integrated archival retention equipment consisting of
state-of-the-art equipment for archival conservation
a low-oxygen (nitrogen) sterilizer
Preservation goods
Neutral Preservation Box / photographic conservation equipment / repair tape for conservation
Preservation Bookstore (Mobilek)
a stationary bookstore / a portable bookstore / a bookkeeper
box-making machine
a box-making machine
Automated library systems for efficient archiving management
Archivistore is a fully automated version of Document stack.
When you enter a new document into the Archivistore and stock it, you can easily find it the next time by searching by its ID or title.
Discover the efficiency, speed, accuracy, and authenticity of an automated system that combines the management capabilities of an Archivist with the automation of an Archivistore and the security of an RFID system.
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